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Patronage Rewards

Bank Locally. Get Paid to do so.

We returned more than $350,000 to members and the community through patronage in 2023.

This is the value of banking local, and of keeping your cash close to home! The trust and loyalty of our membership allowed us to hit another year of patronage payout in 2023, and our Board approved more than $350,000, which has already been returned to members via Patronage Rewards.

This is but one perk of banking like you live here.


Over $400,000 given back


Over $637,000 given back


Over $243,000 given back


Over $316,000 given back


Over $405,000 given back

What are Patronage Rewards?

Written into the policies of our credit union, every year, we strive to return as much profit to our members as we can. The policy in place is based on our earnings, and so the better we can serve you, the more we can return each year. In last three years, we have been able to return more than a million dollars to the accounts of our members. 

Patronage rewards have been paid, and were automatically deposited to all eligible members, as of November 1st, 2023.

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Community Matters?

We think so too. 
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Member Dividends

In addition to Patronage rewards, we also pay quarterly dividends on our C and A shares to members. The percenage paid on these shares can vary, dependent on Board approval - however they generally recieve 3% and 3.5% respectively. 

Recent Dividend Payouts for the Year: 
2023: $59,646.31(A) - $31,111.00 (C)
2022: $24,615.00(A) - $15,687.00 (C)
2021: $24,016.29(A) - $26,742.91 (C)
2020: $30,709.76(A) - $35,712.20 (C)
2019: $36,125.83(A) - $44,019.35 (C)

  • ​Patronage Rewards calculated on any non registered deposit accounts will be deposited in your A shares.
  • Patronage Rewards calculated on registered accounts (RRSP/RRIF/LIF/TFSA) will be deposited to your registered savings accounts.
  • Patronage Rewards calculated on month-end service charges will be on your November statement.
  • Further information on eligibility and the calculation is available upon request. 1.250.426.6666.