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Why Join StellerVista?


​Discover all the benefits of becoming a member​

More local

StellerVista staff provide 100% of all approvals. This flexibility allows unique products and services based on member needs – just ask any personal or business member.

Easy account set-up

You can open your account virtually, from the first meeting to signing the paperwork via electronic signature.

Together through life

We make sure you’re ready for each stage of your life with products and services that help you achieve your goals.

You’re our bottom line

You own us, not the other way around. Profits are shared with members and communities via patronage rewards, dividends and more.

Patronage Rewards

When StellerVista does well, our members share the profits. The more banking you do the more patronage rewards you earn. We give back money to you!

100% deposit protection

All StellerVista depositors are 100% protected by the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.


Join StellerVista with ease!

​We offer a convenient, hassle-free service to transfer your pre-authorized transactions and/or account balances to us. We'll take care of:

  • Gathering your pre-authorized transactions and account balance information

  • Notifying your billers of the account information changes

  • Closing old bank accounts (if you want to do this)

  • Acting as an account liaison during the transition period


Supporting our community

We are always looking for opportunities that help grow the prosperity of our communities, providing support in many forms.







​In-kind contributions


​Make more with our patronage rewards

​When you bank at StellerVista, profits are returned to you and your community by way of patronage rewards and dividends.

It’s easy, the more you bank at StellerVista, the more money stays local, and in turn builds local prosperity.